Main Methods
Top-level methods for running calculations with chemcloud
. Most users should never need to use anything except these methods for running calculations on chemcloud.
ChemCloud python client. Scalable compute, easy to learn, fast to code.
*args, **kwargs
) -> Union[
ProgramOutput, list[ProgramOutput], FutureOutput
Submit a compute job using the default client.
See CCClient.compute for more information.
from qcio import ProgramInput, Structure
from chemcloud import compute
struct ="")
prog_input = ProgramInput(
model={"method": "b3lyp", "basis": "6-31g"},
keywords={}, # Optional keywords for the program
# Submit a single job
output = compute("psi4", prog_input)
# Submit multiple jobs
prog_inputs = [prog_input] * 100 # List of ProgramInput objects
outputs = compute("psi4", prog_inputs)
Results may be collected asynchronously if desired:
future = compute("psi4", prog_inputs, return_future=True)
future.is_ready # Checks if all tasks are complete (not required)
outputs = future.get() # Collects results
Or stream results from the server as they complete:
future = compute("psi4", prog_inputs, return_future=True)
for output in future.as_completed(): # Will return results as the complete
# Process outputs
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configure_client(**kwargs) -> None
Configure the default ChemCloud client.
Passes keyword arguments to CCClient constructor. See CCClient for more information.
Pass any of the following keyword arguments before calling compute to configure the client.
from chemcloud import configure_client
chemcloud_username="testuser", # Not recommended
chemcloud_password="testpassword", # Not recommended # pragma: allowlist secret
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setup_profile(profile: Optional[str] = None) -> None
Setup a profile for the ChemCloud client.
See CCClient.setup_profile for more information.
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fetch_output(*args, **kwargs)
Fetch the status and output of a compute job using the default client.
Only needed if you want on manually check the status of a compute job. This function is usually not used by end users.
See CCClient.fetch_output for more information.
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hello_world(name: Optional[str] = None) -> str
Return a greeting message from the ChemCloud server.
See CCClient.hello_world for more information.
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