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aimsprop.sine 🔗


compute_sine_transform(I: ndarray, s: ndarray, r: ndarray, a: float = 0.0) -> ndarray 🔗

Compute the sine transform I(t,r) = \int_0^smax ds I(t,s) * sin(r*s) * exp(-a * s^2)

Uses the trapezoid rule over provided s (s need not be uniformly spaced). The factor of exp(-a * s^2) is a common experimental cutoff factor applied to prevent ringing from noise at large s. This tends to smooth the r-domain signal, but can limit the resolution.


Name Type Description Default
I ndarray

signal to sine transform, e.g., sM(t,s). Time should be on dim 0, s should be on dim 1, shape (nt, ns).

s ndarray

s values (can be irregular), shape (ns,)

r ndarray

r values (can be irregular), shape (nr,)

a float

Gaussian exponent in large-s cutoff Gaussian.



Type Description

I2: sine transformed signal, shape (nt, nr)

Source code in aimsprop/
def compute_sine_transform(
    I: np.ndarray,
    s: np.ndarray,
    r: np.ndarray,
    a: float = 0.0,
) -> np.ndarray:
    """Compute the sine transform I(t,r) = \int_0^smax ds I(t,s) * sin(r*s) * exp(-a * s^2)

    Uses the trapezoid rule over provided s (s need not be uniformly spaced).
    The factor of exp(-a * s^2) is a common experimental cutoff factor applied
    to prevent ringing from noise at large s. This tends to smooth the r-domain
    signal, but can limit the resolution.

        I: signal to sine transform, e.g.,
            sM(t,s). Time should be on dim 0, s should be on dim 1,
            shape (nt, ns).
        s: s values (can be irregular), shape (ns,)
        r: r values (can be irregular), shape (nr,)
        a: Gaussian exponent in large-s cutoff Gaussian.
        I2: sine transformed signal, shape (nt, nr)

    # Irregular trapezoid weights
    ds = np.diff(s)
    w = np.zeros_like(s)
    w[:-1] += 0.5 * ds
    w[1:] += 0.5 * ds

    V = I * np.outer(np.ones((I.shape[0],)), w * np.exp(-a * s ** 2))
    rr, ss = np.meshgrid(r, s, indexing="ij")
    K = np.sin(rr * ss)
    I2 =, K.T)
    return I2